Webpages. We use them every day. But how hard is it to make a webpage? You can make a simple webpage easily with Notepad Open Notepad. Click File->Save As. Choose all files from the file type menu. Save your file as file.html You can replace file with anything. Usually the main page of a website is index.html Now you can start coding. Don't worry, it's not hard! HTML (hypertext markup language) uses tags. Tags are basically some text inside of You will use a variety of tags to create your webpage. There are also "end tags" which look like These end things like a bold font. The first tag of a webpage is usually the html. You can put this at the top of your Notepad file. The next tag is the tag. Between the and tags are the title tag, which tells the browser what to put at the top of the window, and meta tags, which tell search engines like Google what the site is about. On the next line after your tag, put a Now...